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Field Education

Discover Our World Through Field Education

social worker observing child at play

Field education is one of the most rewarding components of pursuing a degree in social work. This is a time for students to practice and develop social work skills under competent supervision while impacting communities, families, individuals and policy.

Programs of Study

Field practicum is a social work course included in a student’s Plan of Study. Our field practicum experiences provide students with the opportunity to integrate the knowledge, skills, and values learned in the classroom setting and field instructor’s teaching to the delivery of social services in a practice situation.

BSW and MSW students are required to apply for field placement and complete a background check before they are placed with an agency. Students are placed using a holistic perspective. We consider input from students and consult with faculty, advisors, and the Field Committee to match each student’s educational needs with a specific agency.

We’re committed to considering students’ personal circumstances when making placement decisions but we cannot guarantee a particular field placement in a geographic area. For this reason, we encourage students to start early considering your obligations, your “musts” in life, the things you can put to the side during this course, and those things you can negotiate. Practicum is often about negotiating, which is an excellent social work skill. Begin this practice as you consider applying to one of our many field opportunities.

  • BSW

    a pencil

    Undergraduate students use the educational resources in the classroom and the field to develop a responsible, analytical approach to his or her own practice and to the practice of others.

  • MSW

    front of a building with columns

    Graduate students apply classroom teaching and learning in real-world settings to acquire the knowledge, skills, and values necessary for the development of practice competence.

  • Washington, D.C.

    front of a building with columns

    A unique field opportunity in the nation’s capital that exposes BSW and MSW students to outstanding direct service programs and public policy and advocacy implementation.

  • International

    a globe

    A transformative learning experience that teaches students firsthand about different cultures and how social welfare services are interpreted and provided abroad.

Financial Assistance for Field

The School of Social Work offers generous stipends and scholarships for students who participate in the Washington, D.C. Internship, international and our many other field experiences. Field funding opportunities include the following:

Find a Field Placement Right for You

Our Field Education Office has developed a strong relationship with more than 300 agencies located in Alabama, Washington, D.C., out-of-state and internationally. We also offer specialized opportunities in Ghana, South Korea and China. We connect our students with agencies and organizations that provide services for the following:

  • AIDS/HIV patients
  • Developmental disabilities
  • Health care
  • Adoption
  • Victims of domestic violence
  • Inpatient psychiatry
  • Aging/Alzheimer’s
  • Corrections/criminal justice
  • Child welfare
  • Geropsychiatry
  • Forensics
  • Grief/bereavement
  • Mental health
  • Substance abuse/recovery
  • Community-based practice
  • Military/veterans
  • Homeless
  • School Social Work

Whatever your interest, our Field Office is ready to help you gain the experience you need to reach your educational goals.

Field Instructor and Agency Resources

The Field Education Program provides training and other resources to field instructors and agency partners because of the vital role each plays in educating our field students. The Field Team welcomes inquiries from social service agencies about SSW’s Field Education Program and social work professionals who wish to serve as a field instructor.